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Date : 2003-12-18
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Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin Maggie ~ Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin is a unique source of information on this neglected topic of gemology Presented in full color with over 200 stunning photographs for ease of reference and identification the book allows material to be recognized by sight avoiding the usual gemological tests which can ruin them
Books All about Organic Gem Materials from an expert ~ The only book devoted to Organics ‘Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin’ is an easily accessible and interesting reference book It contains chapters on amber and copal jet ivories bone antler horn rhino horn tortoiseshell pearl shell coral many unusual organics and plastics
Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin Maggie ~ Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin is a unique source of information on this neglected topic of gemology Presented in full color with over 200 stunning photographs for ease of reference and identification the book allows material to be recognized by sight avoiding the usual gemological tests which can ruin them
Gem Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin ~ Gem Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin by Maggie Campbell Pedersen was very favorably reviewed in GG Summer 04 I really like this book partly because I am an avid amber collector but also I very much appreciate the style of her writing and format of the book
Gem and ornamental materials of organic origin Book 2003 ~ Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin is a unique source of information on this neglected topic of gemmology Presented in full colour with over 200 stunning photographs for ease of reference and identification the book allows materials to be recognised by sight avoiding the usual gemmological tests which can ruin them
Organic Gemstones Amber pearl jet dinosaur bone and more ~ The most common of these are pearl bone amber coral jet and ivory These are materials produced by organisms that have been cut into gems and other ornamental objects There are also organic materials that have been mineralized replaced and infilled by chalcedony opal calcite aragonite pyrite
Biography maggiecp All about Organic Gem Materials ~ BIOGRAPHY MAGGIE CAMPBELL PEDERSEN is President of GemA the Gemmological Association of Great Britain and an Associate of the British Institute of Professional Photography She is an accredited lecturer for The Arts Society formerly NADFAS Her work includes identifications teaching writing and constant research into all
Ornamental Gemstones and Minerals ~ Pearl Pearl is one of four main ornamental materials that are classified as organic gems the other three being coral ivory and amber About 92 percent of pearl is calcium carbonate in the form of aragonite crystals held together by an organic substance concholin which is identical to the horny outer layer of oyster shells plus a small quantity of water
Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin ~ Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin is a unique source of information on this neglected topic of gemmology Presented in full colour with over 200 stunning photographs for ease of reference and identification the book allows material to be recognised by sight avoiding the usual gemmological tests which can ruin them
Gem and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin ~ Gems and Ornamental Materials of Organic Origin Currently unavailable The materials covered in the book include Amber and Copal Jet Ivory Bone Antler Rhino horn Horn Tortoiseshell Pearl Shell Coral and other materials of plant and animal origin that have been used as gem or ornamental material
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